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Best Health Power Super Blender Juicer Emulsifier Master Blender - $279 Free Shipping in Manhattan, New York For Sale

Price: $279
Type: Art & Antiques, For Sale - Private. - SUPER Best Blender by OMNI / JTC.
Best 3 horsepower super power blender for all emulsifying, pulverizing,
blending, soups, smoothies, grains, seeds and nuts, and fruit and
vegetables. The OMNI Blender is a better deal than those blenders from,
Costco. Better bang for the buck, better blending. - SUPER Best Blender by OMNI / JTC.
Cost is $ 279.00 FREE USA Shipping, add $36 USD for Canada Shipping.
7 Year Warranty, free Recipe Book for Vegans and
Vegetarians and those that like to eat and drink healthier
Call 801 623 xxxx

State: New York  City: Manhattan  Category: Art & Antiques
Art & Antiques in New York for sale

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