GOLD PANDA COIN 1/4 oz 25 yuan large date 1991 PCGS MS67 in Manhattan, New York For Sale
Price: $425
Type: Art & Antiques,
For Sale
- Private.
I have for sale a Beautiful Gold 25 YUAN from CHINA Coin, minted in the year xxxx (.250 OUNCES PURE GOLD). Coin is superbly graded by PCGS with an AMAZING MS67. Coin is minted out of .999 Gold (Highly superior to its contemporary counterparts in Europe) and has .250 ounces of pure gold in it. A beautiful and historic Chinese Panda Gold coin for your collection.
A25efEq, 6P3mCbc, CdG53Qb
State: New York City: Manhattan Category: Art & Antiques
Art & Antiques in New York for sale
Art & Antiques in New York for sale
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