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Haier Microwave - Hardly Used (less than a year old) in Manhattan, New York For Sale

Price: $25
Type: Art & Antiques, For Sale - Private.

I am selling a new microwave which is in excellent condition at 1/3rd of what I paid for it last year. I moved to a new place which has a microwave installed already in the kitchen, so I don't need it anymore.
* No scratches or dents anywhere
* Less than a year old
* I am hardly at home, so very light usage for heating food
* You may just cab it to your place - quite light and easy to carry
Please email me only if you are genuinely interested in buying.

State: New York  City: Manhattan  Category: Art & Antiques
Art & Antiques in New York for sale

This ad is older than 2 months.
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