Needle Point & Petit Point pillow covers for living & bedrooms in Manhattan, New York For Sale
Price: $59
Type: Art & Antiques, For Sale - Private.
Type: Art & Antiques, For Sale - Private.
Previously desplayed in magnificent windows of my gallery in New York City, facing the Empire State Building on 33rd Street; Beautiful Old world provincial Hand-Stitched petit point pillow cases,
Will sell them separately
2, appx. 22" x 22" with Lattice design, small multi-bell tassels, $95 each
2, appx. 22" x 22" with center flower design, pipping (no tassels), $85 each
2, appx. 16" x 16" of the same with center flower design,multi-bell tassels, $75 each
2, appx. 16" x 16" of the same with pipping (no tassels), $59 each Please for further information call (212) 290-xxxx or by responding to this posting.
State: New York City: Manhattan Category: Art & Antiques
Art & Antiques in New York for sale
Art & Antiques in New York for sale
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