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Selling My Cancer Fighting Alkaline Water Ionizer in Manhattan, New York For Sale

Selling My Cancer Fighting Alkaline Water Ionizer
Price: $450
Type: Art & Antiques, For Sale - Private.

I am selling my ORP water ionizer. It has 5 plates produces PH upto 10 and ORP -550. Works great.
Had it for 5 Months and love it! If you want to reduce the risk of CANCER you know an alkaline diet is the way to go.
I am upgrading to the 8 Plate Sigma model from the ORP company.
You can get more details on my 5 plate model at CLICK HERE or just Email me now - lesley.herzbergxxxx[at]
Asking only $490.

State: New York  City: Manhattan  Category: Art & Antiques
Art & Antiques in New York for sale

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