Weber 22.5-Inch One-Touch Gold Kettle Grill in Manhattan, New York For Sale
Type: Art & Antiques,
For Sale
- Private.
Weber's One-Touch Gold kettle grill is a great buy for anyone looking for a classic model with a few convenient extras. The design is sleek. The results are delicious.
As with all Weber grills, this kettle's lid and bowl are constructed of premium porcelain-enameled steel--which means not only does heat radiate evenly, but the grill will survive if it's left out in the rain. The cooking surface (22-1/2 inches in diameter) is big enough to accommodate six large steaks, twice as many burgers, or up to a dozen kebabs, and the grill's classic kettle shape keeps flare-ups to a minimum.
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State: New York City: Manhattan Category: Art & Antiques
Art & Antiques in New York for sale
Art & Antiques in New York for sale
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