For Sale or Trade: Akai MPC 2000 slightly used - $500 in Manhattan, New York For Sale
Price: $500
Type: Music instruments,
For Sale
- Private.
Akai MPC xxxx, slightly used in Good Cosmetic & working Conditions.
Floppy discs, manual & Power cord included. Has the working original floppy drive, SCSI, no parts were ever replaced & the unit was never repaired. Optional 8 outs NOT installed.
Very clean inside & out. Has had VERY little use. I brought it just as I had stopped working with MIDI & would occasionally use it to 'fly' sampled sounds into my DAW session. Used more as a sampler rather than pounding out beats on the MPC pads.
Will NOT ship out, NO Paypal.
State: New York City: Manhattan Category: Music instruments
Music instruments in New York for sale
Music instruments in New York for sale
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